In case you missed my first post, let me do a quick recap. I am a 62-year-old man that has retired after 41 years of work. To kick of my 63rd year of life, I decided to hike the Appalachian Trail. There is a lot of information about what to expect on the trail, what equipment works best, lodging reviews, meal prep, etc. Like anything in life, it is your choice on what works for you. However, we also know by the age 62 that, everyone has an opinion and what works for someone else may not work for you. So, with that said after a lot of research I:
- selected and procured equipment
- decided my daily calorie count would be 4500
- asked my wonderful wife, Barbara, to prep my food {I am the LUCKIEST MAN in the world to be married to her}
- defined food drops based on a hiking pace of 10-15 miles a day and taking time off to clean up and attend events with family and friends
- registered to hike the trail
- decided to hike from the Amilicola lodge that is 8.5 miles from start of the trail
- Scheduled my flight, train and transport to the lodge
- Asked Buck if I could post on his blog. After 3 hours of deliberations, 8 cookie bones and agreeing to use the trail name of Buck he agreed.

I have no sponsor for this hike so my views of what works and does not work are all mine. Life is not about one thing, so who knows what each post will be about. If you are interested on how a 62- year-old man is making out hiking the Appalachian Trail, read my post each week.