After working 41 years, I retired. Retirement is a goal we all strive for, but some people can’t let go of work because they don’t have a plan or hobbies. I am not one of those people. To start the next phase in my life, I decided to do a reset. The Book of THEY, says that best way to reset is to unplug from social media, the phone, computers, and the TV. I am taking a small chapter out of the Book of They and disconnecting, and doing something I have always dreamt of, hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Over the last 4 months, I have been researching and prepping for the trip. My wonderful and supportive wife, Barbara, has been a huge help. There is a lot of information to research (books, blogs, you tube, and outfitters, like REI) about hiking the Appalachian trail and a lot of equipment to choose from. With the help of the REI staff, I selected the equipment that I believe will work best for me; a 62-year-old man that is not in mint shape but is not doing too bad according to my wife and my doctors. As far as the course I mapped out, food prep, and the details on the equipment I selected, you will have to read this blog each week for an update.